Thursday, November 3, 2011

October Recaps

Yet another month has come and gone. Did you live it well? October was a fairly busy month in the house of Olsen. Here's a recap of the month's happenings:

Jamie finished his ER rotation and is now onto Internal Medicine. His poor little heart was torn in 2 when it was announced that NBA negotiations failed and there wouldn't most likely be a full season this year. Seriously, I think he was depressed after hearing the news. Said he, with tears welling up in his eyes and a quivering bottom lip, "The one year we actually have cable and I have some time to watch the games, the season gets delayed..." His sorrow was tangible. On the bright side, with all the extra time he'll have he can help me sort through old papers, organize closets, and re-arrange furniture. Oh joy!

October 12th I turned the big 2-5! Jamie made me breakfast and cooked me the most delicious sweet and sour chicken EVER for dinner! I'm salivating just thinking about it.
Nom nom nom
He also got me TWO birthday desserts! He sure knows that the way to this girl's heart is through her stomach!
The weekend after my birthday, Jamie and I headed to Des Moines to visit our friends we missed dearly. While in DSM we went to a pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins, did a little shopping, visited our old ward, ate some delicious food, and stayed up too late visiting.  A good time was had by all.
Jamie's ghost pumpkin on the left and my "Halloween Bug" (aka-botched spider) to the right
The weekend after our Des Moines trip we headed to Sioux City, IA for stake conference. After the Saturday evening session they had an adult dance (and by adult dance I mean the Church's definition of an adult dance, not the world's....) Now, I remember going to stake dances as a youth, but this wasn't just your typical awkward Mormon dance. The awkwardness factor was taken up by about 10 notches because instead of a bunch of floundering teens moving about there were a bunch of skittish adults getting down to classics such as the "YMCA". Truly entertaining indeed.
The person on the right was certainly the "Belle of the Ball"... I was just his arm candy
Jamie and I also started playing racquetball at the YMCA on our date nights last month. I'm just learning, so I'm pretty much horrible at it, but it's a lot of fun and it's free so it fits right in with our budget. Plus, I love that my opponent lets me wink at him and give him an occasional pat on the tush:) And since no post is complete without mention of Marlee, I had to snap a picture of her on Halloween.

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