Monday, February 7, 2011

Bellies and Dragons

      Well I suppose it's that time again where I dust off the ol' keyboard and update the blog. Life is life as usual. I graduated nursing school in December, the holidays came and went (much too quickly), Jamie is back to the grind, and I'm just working and cooking a baby. Speaking of babies, pregnancy is such a weird thing. I mean think about it. Two microscopic cells come together and over the span of 9+ months evolve into a 6-10lb lovely little creature that completely changes a woman's body and her life. Now don't get me wrong, I am completely elated to be growing a little creature of my own. It's just that there's a few things about pregnancy that aren't the most fun. Warning! I'm about to get personal. You may read TMI, but its my blog so I'll say what I want to.

     Numero Uno: Belly buttons. I've tried to push it back in, really I have. Sometimes as I sit on the couch watching a show I'll apply firm pressure to my button, but of course, as soon as I take my finger off....POP GOES THE WEASEL! I've read online that some pregnant women put bandaids over their belly buttons to keep them "under control". Been there, done that, doesn't really work for me. My whole life I've been taught to be modest. But now, as a pregnant woman, I feel as though I've lost my modesty. When I wear a shirt that is tight snug over my midsection (which is often b/c I'm too cheap to buy maternity clothes) I feel as though I'm exposing my navel to the world. I swear you can see the outline of my belly button through just about any top I wear. Today while I was trying on an outfit for church, Jamie said, "Hey there belly button!" Thanks babe. IT now has an identity of its own. Oh well, I can honestly say that I probably have one of the cleanest belly buttons around. I guarantee you won't find an spec of lint trapped in MY button!
This is not my belly by the way.....I just wanted to illustrate what the "popping of the button" looks like
Mine's not quite to this level......yet anyways:)
    Number Two: Acid reflux. I feel like I literally have a slumbering fire-breathing dragon inside of my stomach. As soon as I lay down for a nap or eat a meal, the dragon wakes up, and it does so with a vengeance. Earlier in my pregnancy, I considered TUMS to be my trusty friend that I could rely on in times of need. I now, however, feel betrayed. In the last few weeks I've popped TUMS like tic-tacs and it still doesn't calm the dragon. So, I've done what any logical woman would do and have increased my intake of "base" (as in pH) foods such as milk or dairy......  

Ok so maybe the ice cream doesn't really help with stomach acid, but it sure makes me feel better -until later when I look at the empty bucket and realize Jamie only ate one bowl....
     And finally....insomnia. I blame it mostly on #2. However, if on the rare occasion the dragon I swallowed is asleep, I usually still toss and turn all night because of hip or back discomfort. Alright, I'm done complaining now.
I will take all the acid reflux, strange body transformations, and insomnia that can be thrown at me if it means that I get a precious baby in the end. I've been blessed with a relatively healthy, complication-free pregnancy thus far and am incredibly grateful for it. So bring it on belly button! You've got 5 weeks of poppage left! 


  1. I hear you about the belly button thing! I know some people who got lucky enough that their belly button never popped out, but this last time mine popped out at only about 18-20 weeks.

  2. I hear ya! I am so ready to be done being pregnant, but yeah, the cute little baby in the end is totally worth it!

  3. What funny pregnant stories you have. I'm so excited for that little belly button pusher outer to come in March :)

  4. In 2 months you need a follow up post with the "joys" of motherhood post pregnancy. The crazy fun keeps coming :-)!
