Monday, April 16, 2012

Oh the weather outside is freightful

Isn't weather such an exciting thing!? Many people think the weather is mundane and boring, but I legitimately enjoy a good weather conversation. Plus, it's always a good tension breaker, especially when I'm working.... "excuse me, ma'am, can you please relax while I stick this tube up your urethra? Boy, isn't the weather just lovely today?"
That being said, I will tell you about the cuh-razey weather we had here in the 'folk. Our little town even made national news, or so I hear. Anywho, we had an epic hail/rain/wind storm on Saturday. Apparently, we had around 3 inches of rain and massive amounts of hail that led to flash-flooding and a lot of property damage. Here's a few pictures I "borrowed" from various web sources as proof
If you enlarge the picture you can see there's an abandoned car drowning in the middle of that water

No, that's not snow, it's a hail drift. Crazy!
p.s. I do not know who this man is, but I'm sure he doesn't mind me using his picture (I found it on

Of course the flash flooding occurred right as I was driving to work, so I ended up stranded on "higher ground" (aka the Salvation Army parking lot) for 15 minutes while waiting for the flooding to dissipate. Luckily, I was safe. Not so lucky, both of our vehicles received hail damage (not covered by our struggling student budget insurance). Also not so lucky was the ER department of the hospital. It flooded with 4 feet of water.
One of the ER exam rooms after the water was gone. Those are hail clumps deposited on the floor.
Overall, I can say there's at least 2 positives that came about due to Saturday's storm:
1)I have enough conversation material to last me for at least a week.
2)We now live in lake-front property. Go ahead, be jealous.


  1. Way to look at the positive side. I love your lake-front property. :) Glad to hear that you are safe despite the CRAZY weather!

  2. OH my! That is some crazy weather! I'm glad your apartment didn't get flooded.
