Sunday, August 28, 2011

Favorite Things

Not much is happening here in Norfolk, so instead of boring you with details of our mundane lives I'll post about a few of my favorite things right now. Warning, a lot have to do with Marlee, I'm one of those obsessive mothers.

#1-The size of Marlee's head. Maybe it's the angle of this picture (well, at least I'm hoping it is because of the size of my Pop Eye arm minus the Pop Eye muscles), but our little girl has got one good noggin on her shoulders. At her 4 month appointment her head circumference was in the 95th percentile. Her head looks about the same size as mine in this picture, which makes me smile.

#2-A baby's fascination with their body. Marlee loves to wave her arms, kick her legs, suck on her toes, etc...and in this picture I happened to capture her when she was experimenting with her lips.

#3-Seeing old friends. One of my good friends from high school got married yesterday and it was fun to catch up with some old buddies.

#4-Kemps fat free, no sugar added frozen yogurt. I've only seen this variety in Vanilla, but let me tell ya, you can't beat the 70 calories per serving (regular ice cream is usually 130-160 calories). Of course, I never stop at just one serving, and I'm sure the fountain of chocolate syrup and mound of peanuts I add boosts the calorie count, but at least I feel a little less guilty eating it. Oh, and for those Midwestern-ers who shop at Hy-Vee, it has a Nu-Val score above 90.

#5-Football season is starting. Nebraska is famous for 2 things: corn and football. If you live in this state and don't have a room in your home with red and white walls and Husker memorabilia everywhere you're pretty much shunned. I'll admit, I'm not a die-hard, but there's just something nostalgic about watching a game on a brisk fall day with friends while chowing down on greasy/salty/sugary grub.

#6-Jamie, of course.


  1. I love Marlee's adorable green and brown dress!

  2. Oh my goodness, Marlee is getting so big and cute!!

  3. Oh goodness, she's grown so much, I love her cute little big head! I just wanna kiss her face! And a Nu-val score of 90??? Michelle will be so excited!
